take the science.
to a whole new level
The company
Promoting Dentistry Science for over 30 years, Dental Press is a reference in scientific publishing in Brazil and South America. With seven journal indexed in some of the world’s most important databases, like Pubmed and SciElo, as well as by professional organizations, like Alado and SBEndo, the publisher stands out for high graphic and editorial standards in the publications.
Dental Press has published over 150 books about Dentistry, all then remembered by the qualified content and elegance design.
our values
To promote encourage, and disseminate qualified science contents, through an editorial board of researchers, who are experts in Dentistry, ensuring democratized educational access to new researchers.
our staff
Our team is composed of professional in design, layout, as well as reviewers and translators. Each journal has a distinct editorial board, in attention to details in each dentistry area.
latest peer-reviewed journals

The most renowed cientifc books
Powered by specialists

Dental GO
New way to learning online
Dental GO is the largest library of Dentistry articles in portuguse in the world. The collection
includes over 6.000 articles, e-books, as well as classes and tips. All the Dental Press
journals are available in this digital tool.
Dental Press Publisher works with modern designs and layout of books and e-books
All the editorial work, including revision and assistance to ensure your book for the best result and format, will be handled by Dental Press Publisher
The publisher works with qualified professionals to adapt and translate works into different languages
Do you have an interest in publishing your book? Dental Press Publisher offers a quick and elegant solution to help bring your project to life.
A company committed to the scientific community
A company committed to the scientific community
Dental Press Publisher adheres to the strictest standards of scientific publications, including
review by dentistry specialists. The publisher also utilizes modern article submissions tools,
encompassing clinical cases and articles.
Editorial Policies
Dental Press Publishing developed these guidelines following the standards of the ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) and based on the best practices and ethical standards in the conduct and reporting of research and other materials published in its journals
Research Policies
All researchers must ensure that the conduction for research in humans is in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and in accordance with the 2013 review of the document.
Editorial Policies
Dental Press Publishing developed these guidelines following the standards of the ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) and based on the best practices and ethical standards in the conduct and reporting of research and other materials published in its journals
Research Policies
All researchers must ensure that the conduction for research in humans is in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and in accordance with the 2013 review of the document.
An award-winning publisher house, sharing dental knowlegde worldwide
All the care taken in Dental Press publications has earned important awards and nomination in the Brazilian publishing market. Our team is ready to assist researches and authors from all around the world, with focus on promoting health and sharing dental knowledge.
Be enchanted by the Dental Press model of content editing and publishing, and have the
support of this team that, for over 30 years, has collaborated with leading figures in Brazil
and global Dentistry

Dental Press International is a Brazillian Scientific Publish House commited to share dental knowledge around world since 1992
Get In Touch
2712 Teixeira Mendes Avenue
Maringá, PR 87015
- Email: atendimento@dentalpress.com.br
- Phone: +55 44-3033-9812
- Hours: Mon-Fri 8:00AM - 6:00PM
A company committed to the scientific community
Dental Press Publisher adheres to the strictest standards of scientific publications, including
review by dentistry specialists. The publisher also utilizes modern article submissions tools,
encompassing clinical cases and articles.